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Is It Meltdown, or a Mindstorm?

Moving away from "meltdown" to a more nuanced concept of autistic overwhelm.

Key points

  • Meltdowns and shutdowns are common experiences for neurodivergent people.
  • The term "mindstorm" conceptualizes the nuances of these experiences in a more accurate and compassionate way.
  • Mindstorms are not chosen or controlled. These are not efforts at manipulation.

The clouds roll in as I sit cross-legged on the floor. It's been a lot today. My mind races. Intense. I am not up for any more demands. I turn on some heavy metal music and match the energy. There was a time when I didn't know how to meet myself in these times, but I know this is what I need now. And I'm so glad I have this time to ride out the storm.

Meltdowns, Shutdowns, and Mindstorms

Strong reactions to neurodivergent overwhelm have traditionally been labeled "meltdowns." Yet, the same term is also one for tantrums of all kinds. While young children (and sometimes adults) may throw a "tantrum" to get something wanted, a meltdown is a much more nuanced experience. Like a storm, it is neither chosen nor controlled. It's not a way to get what someone wants; it's a response to total overload.

While tantrums are most associated with kids, mindstorms affect neurodivergent people of all ages. This more specific label highlights it as a separate experience.

A study utilizing interviews with 32 autistic adults found several themes throughout the experience of "meltdowns." Among these were overwhelm, difficulty accessing logic, strong emotions, loss of control, a need for release, and looking for ways to minimize harm such as by isolating at the moment (Lewis and Stevens, 2023). Contrary to the stereotypical meltdown, a word that exemplifies the behavior, the inner experience of such is more akin to an internal storm.

Autistic meltdowns come in different "flavors." Some involve a high-energy, anxious, or angry response. It's like a tornado ripping through. The person may rise with the winds, potentially shouting. In adults, it might be more subtle, a walk that, without realization, turns into a stomp. Or a door might be shut hard, reflecting the energy bubbling up. Of course, it could also look like a more traditional outburst—tears, shouting. In the moment, life feels like too much.

Then there is the shutdown variety. These are more like ice storms. A youth might stop responding, placing headphones over their ears or their head on a desk. For an adult, it could feel more like anxiety. An adult might withdraw to their office or go through the motions. In these times, finding words or organizing a task can feel impossible. A break is necessary.

An Unnamed Experience

It might be difficult to imagine, but many who experience mindstorms (or meltdowns), especially adults, don't recognize their experience. They may see it as something similar, like a panic attack. Yet, there are important distinctions. Panic attacks tend to be more time-limited, whereas a mindstorm can sometimes last hours. Mindstorms also often have more of a buildup in overwhelm.

Being able to label and create a compassionate understanding of the experience is empowering and gives autistic individuals and those who love them language for support. When mindstorms are appreciated as common byproducts of the autistic neurotype, often evidence of overwhelm, we can respond more effectively.

Strategies for Mindstorm First Aid

  1. Be kind. Two things that don't help mindstorms are judgment and meanness. If you notice someone struggling in this way, start with kindness. If it is you in the throes of a mindstorm, give yourself kindness.
  2. See the person before the behavior. Mindstorms can lead to behaviors that go against neurotypical social norms. A person in a mindstorm often can not think so clearly and is doing their best in that moment. This is not the time to confront someone about their behavior. If their behavior affects you negatively, talk to them after, once things are calm. Know that the person is still there.
  3. Turn down the lights and sounds. While some people seek out soothing or loud sensory stimuli during mindstorms, often lights and sounds are overwhelming. If someone is in the midst of a mindstorm, they might not feel up to asking you to turn off the loud fan or bright light. Still, if you can do so, it might help.
  4. Offer space and privacy. While a mindstorm is nothing to be ashamed of, most people don't wish for their meltdown to be broadcast to others. In addition, while a neurotypical person might find it helpful to talk to someone when upset, some neurodivergent people might prefer space during a mindstorm so that they can recalibrate. Respect this.
  5. Try a grounding exercise. If you are going through a mindstorm, grounding with a single sensory experience might help. This might mean focusing on a piece of music, running your hand over a seashell, or looking at a picture of a pet. Exercises like this offer a means to refocus and come down. If someone you care about is experiencing a mindstorm, you might offer them something to fidget with or put on some light music.

In Conclusion

Perhaps it is time we move away from the term "meltdown" and toward "mindstorm." While just a language change, it sets a tone of compassion, reflecting the inner experience over behavior. Regardless of what we call it, mindstorms are common and deserve both recognition and kindness.


Lewis, L. F., & Stevens, K. (2023). The lived experience of meltdowns for autistic adults. Autism, 13623613221145783.

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