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Reclaim Your Humanity: Ending Machine Mentality in Self-Care

Embracing self-compassion and mindful energy management for a balanced life.

Key points

  • Build your awareness by regularly assessing activities that either boost or drain your energy.
  • Cultivate self-compassion to be able to recognise your needs and honour them without guilt or shame.
  • Engage mindfully with your body to make necessary adjustments that honour your energy levels.

In the midst of life's chaos, it's all too easy to overlook a vital aspect of our being: our energy. Yet, it's the very essence that fuels our every action, thought, and interaction. Like a limited resource, we only have a set amount each day, and how we choose to use it can profoundly affect our well-being. This realisation struck me after years of neglecting my energy levels, a struggle fuelled by societal norms and self-imposed pressures that I'm sure many of you can relate to.

Exercising this power of energy management, I've come to understand, is akin to mastering a delicate dance. Some activities replenish our energy, while others drain it away. Take exercise, for instance—it can invigorate us with newfound vitality yet leave us feeling depleted if overdone. In the past, I didn't pay much heed to these fluctuations. Caught up in the whirlwind of shoulds and musts—for example, the belief that I should always be there for others and prioritise their needs over mine—I unwittingly sabotaged my own well-being.

However, balancing our energy for well-being is not always smooth. It's rife with obstacles, doubts, and fears, chief among them the fear of being perceived as selfish. However, through introspection, mindful observation, self-compassion, and empowerment from others doing the same thing, I've embarked on a journey of reclaiming my energy and, in turn, my life.

The first step was acknowledging the importance of energy management and its impact on my overall well-being. I began checking in with myself regularly, noting what activities nourished me and which ones drained me. This practice of self-awareness allowed me to make informed decisions about allocating my energy throughout the day.

Equally crucial was cultivating self-compassion—the antidote to the relentless self-judgment that often accompanies the pursuit of perfection. Instead of berating myself for feeling tired or overwhelmed, I learned to treat myself with kindness and understanding. This shift in perspective enabled me to recognise my needs and honour them without guilt or shame—helping me avoid unnecessary energy expenditure.

Mindfulness, too, played a pivotal role in my journey. By consciously and curiously engaging with the present moment, I gained insight into the subtle nuances of my energy fluctuations. I learned to listen to my body's cues, respecting its limits and pacing myself accordingly.

Compassionate support played an indispensable role in facilitating this transformative shift. Surrounding myself with individuals committed to prioritising their well-being empowered me to do the same. Sharing experiences, insights, and encouragement within this community was a powerful reminder that self-care is not selfish but a necessary act of self-preservation. In their company, I found the permission and validation to honour my needs and boundaries unapologetically.

Of course, this journey is ongoing. There are still days when old habits resurface, and I find myself slipping back into familiar patterns of overextending myself. But each setback serves as a reminder of the importance of self-care and the necessity of tending to my energy reserves.

Now, armed with newfound wisdom and resilience, I'm passionate about sharing my journey with others. I believe that by embracing energy management as a cornerstone of self-care, we can empower ourselves to live more fulfilling and balanced lives. So, I invite you to join me on this journey of self-discovery. Start by observing what activities nourish or deplete your energy. Take your "energy temperature" each morning and throughout the day to gauge where you stand. And most importantly, be gentle with yourself as you navigate this path of balancing your energy needs. Your energy is precious—treat it with the care and respect it deserves. You and all those you love will benefit greatly from this ongoing practice.

Take care of you,


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