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6 Ways to Find and Write About Harmony During the Holidays

The first step in finding harmony is being self-aware.

Key points

  • Self-awareness is key to achieving harmony.
  • Journaling during the holidays can help one achieve harmony.
  • Self-care is an important aspect of achieving harmony during stressful times.
Reading can be a calming activity.
Source: 165106/Pixabay

For many people, the holiday season can present some unwanted challenges. In addition to the normal stresses of holiday shopping, celebratory events, and gathering with friends and relatives, it’s also a time when we’re reminded of loved ones who have passed away. For one reason or another, many people are triggered.

The Importance of Harmony

The trick to navigating this time of year is to create a sense of harmony in our lives. According to Mark E. Williams (2016), “Harmony means being in a position of compatibility, usefulness, and benefit to other things.” Harmony cannot be forced, but when you are harmonious, it is contagious to those around you. Having a harmonious life means maintaining good work and personal and social balance. It’s also about being self-aware, setting realistic goals, and knowing what your priorities and values are. A study published in Frontiers in Psychology (Carreno et al., 2021) suggests that inner harmony is an essential facet of well-being, particularly in adverse situations, whether a global pandemic or dealing with the stress of the holidays.

Achieving Harmony

Harmony may be achieved through regular self-care practices, such as exercising, walking, reading, and, of course, writing—whether it’s journaling or writing poems, essays, or stories.

To achieve a greater sense of harmony, you might also consider creating a mantra or an intention to focus on during the holiday season. This could also be a few words that resonate with you, quotes written by others, or inspirational sayings that are reminders to stay grounded and keep your mind calm. A mantra can be thought of as a seed that you plant into your mind to settle yourself. You might consider posting this mantra or intention somewhere you frequently pass in your home, such as the kitchen, on your computer, or bathroom mirror.

Here are a few examples of mantras or intentions:

  • Breathe. Be in the moment. Listen to your heart.
  • My life is good, and I am at peace.
  • I feel calm now.
  • Approach everything with kindness and love.

Harmony and a Regular Writing Practice

As an advocate of writing for healing and transformation, I would like to offer some prompts associated with maintaining a sense of harmony as you navigate this time of year:

6 Harmony Tips and Writing Prompts

1. Practice gratitude. Those who are the happiest tend to practice gratitude on a regular basis. Once you get in the habit of frequently saying thank you, it often becomes as easy as brushing your teeth.

Reflection or writing prompt: How about writing a letter of gratitude to someone who has changed your life? They could be alive or could have passed, someone you are either still in touch with or not.

2. Establish rituals. Having a set of rituals can help keep you focused during the course of the day. If possible, try not to make big changes during the holiday season. For example, if you always have a cup of coffee or exercise at a certain time of the day, try to continue this practice.

Reflection or writing prompt: Make a list of all your rituals and how you feel about them.

3. Engage in self-care. Perhaps this is already a part of your daily routine but, if not, try to incorporate activities during the course of the day that make you feel good about yourself or activities that you tend to turn to de-stress.

Reflection or writing prompt: Write about your favorite self-care activities.

4. Foster good communication. Tell others how you feel. Express yourself openly.

Reflection or writing prompt: Write about any communication challenges you or your loved ones may have.

5. Find your bliss. This means being self-aware and knowing what makes you happy and what makes your heart sing.

Reflection or writing prompt: Write about what you’re doing when you’re in your “happy place.”

6. Practice empathy and compassion. Sometimes, when wrapped up in our own lives, we forget that others might also have challenges. Having empathy means being attuned to other people’s emotions and feelings. Compassion is having concern for another person’s misfortunes or challenges.

Reflection or writing prompt: Write about a time when you offered compassion to someone in need.

Like any practice, achieving harmony means being self-aware and being alert to your internal and external influences. Wishing you all a very harmonious holiday season!


Carreno, D. F., Eisenbeck, N., Pérez-Escobar, J. A., & García-Montes, J. M. (2021). Inner harmony as an essential facet of well-being: a multinational study during the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology, 12.

Williams, M. (2016, December 25). Achieving harmony and increasing empathy. Psychology Today.…

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