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Verified by Psychology Today

Jo Colman, CEO Psychology Today


I run Psychology Today and the team here working on our website and our award winning magazine. Founded in 1967, Psychology Today is America's #1 media-source in its field. There are over 40 million visits per month to (where you are now). Many people come in order to get help from the professionals in our directories (powered by Sussex Directories Inc).

Our network of contributors to consists of over 800 PhDs, MDs and published authors. Like our audience, the network of contributors and bloggers is international. Our editorial values prioritize evidenced-based empirical research and original thinking. We answer the questions that matter using the lens of psychology in an accessible way.

Before building Psychology Today, I owned and ran Spy, Mother Earth News and Country Music magazines. I'm British (educated at Eton and Durham Univ/Economics) but have lived (on and off) in the US since 1987. Anyone hearing my accent for the first time would be forgiven for thinking I'd arrived yesterday!

You may contact me by email (see below) or call me on (646) 600-9151.