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A. Maya Kaye Ph.D., DSW, LMSW


A. Maya Kaye, Ph.D., DSW, LMSW, is a seasoned neuroscience-informed psychotherapist, lecturer, and researcher. She is enthusiastic about translational research and bridging the gap between neuroscientific knowledge and clinical practice. Dr. Kaye specializes in working with neurotypical and neurodiverse adults navigating the challenges of ADHD, anxiety, depression, and attachment trauma. Through the lenses of neuroscience and compassion, she employs evidence-based treatment modalities to assist patients in achieving their therapy goals and experiencing lasting positive changes.

Along with her clinical work, she has been privileged to contribute to the mental health field through her role as a professor and researcher. By guiding and inspiring future mental health providers to develop solid clinical practice, she strives to foster a new generation of compassionate and knowledgeable professionals.

Furthermore, Dr. Kaye’s dedication to research allows her to stay at the forefront of emerging advancements in the field. This commitment to ongoing learning ensures that she provides the highest standard of patient care, incorporating the latest scientific findings into her practice.

Dr. Kaye appreciates the power of collaboration and interdisciplinary work and is eager to foster connections with other professionals and organizations. By fostering partnerships within the scientific, clinical, and non-clinical communities, she aims to contribute to a collective effort to advance mental health care. With a blend of expertise, passion, and a commitment to excellence, she is driven to make a difference in the lives of those she serves, inspiring individuals to go on a path of self-discovery and growth.

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