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John D Mayer Ph.D.


Dr. Mayer is Professor of Psychology at the University of New Hampshire.

His PT blog, The Personality Analyst, appears on Tuesdays or thereabouts. His first PT blog was on August 24th, 2008.

Dr. Mayer received his Ph.D. in psychology at Case Western Reserve University, and was a postdoctoral scholar at Stanford University. His 1990 article, "Emotional Intelligence" with Dr. Peter Salovey, provided a foundation for research in the area, and they have published dozens of works in the area since, including the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test. In 2008, Dr. Mayer published a new article that inquired whether there might exist a broader, "Personal Intelligence"--an intelligence focused on understanding our personalities--and he has been studying that new intelligence since. He also publishes more widely in the field of personality psychology and how to organize what we know about ourselves.

Dr. Mayer has served on the editorial boards of many journals including the Review of General Psychology. His forthcoming book, "Personal Intelligence: The Power of Personality and How it Shapes our Lives," will be published by Scientific American / Farrar, Strauss Giroux in February, 2014.

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