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Does Your Favorite Color Reveal Anything About You?

It's natural to seek easy answers, but also often wrong.

Key points

  • Color preferences, while intriguing, are an unreliable gauge of personality.
  • Businesses profit from color-based personality tests without highlighting their limitations.
  • Overreliance on these tests can perpetuate biases and misconceptions.
  • Valid personality assessments, like the Big Five, undergo rigorous validation and are freely available.
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In today's fast-paced digital age, we're constantly seeking shortcuts to understand ourselves and the world around us. Enter color-based personality tests, which promise deep insights based on something as simple as our favorite shade. But is this method reliable, or just another example of pseudoscience?

The Appeal of Simplicity

Who wouldn't want a straightforward way to delve into the complexities of their personality? Pick a color, and get an analysis. It's quick, easy, and requires minimal introspection. However, the simplicity that makes these tests so attractive is also their biggest flaw.

Unsubstantiated Claims

The basic premise of color-based personality tests is that your color preferences can offer profound insights into your character. Yet scientific evidence supporting this claim is sparse at best.

Notably, blue is the most commonly liked color in many cultures, closely followed by red. This simple fact further biases the results of these tests. While colors can evoke feelings and emotions, translating this into a comprehensive personality profile is a significant leap. Like horoscopes, these tests hold power mainly because people believe in them, not because of their scientific validity.

Dangers of Over-Interpretation and Real-Life Implications

When a test provides a flattering or resonant description, it's tempting to accept it at face value. But basing self-perceptions or opinions about others on these tests can lead to misguided beliefs.

In professional contexts, such as recruitment, the stakes are even higher. Misinterpreting a candidate's suitability for a role based on something like their favorite color can lead to biased hiring decisions, potentially sidelining competent candidates.

Consider Jane, a marketing executive who was overlooked for a promotion because her color personality profile suggested she wasn't "aggressive" enough for a leadership role. Or Alex, who struggled with self-worth after a test labeled him as "passive" due to his preference for blue. These real-life implications highlight the dangers of over-relying on such tests.

In contrast, established personality tests like the Big Five undergo rigorous scientific validation. They're based on extensive research, repeated testing, and refinement. This process ensures they're both valid (measuring what they claim to) and reliable (producing consistent results). Most color-based personality tests can't make the same claim.


While it's natural to seek easy answers in an increasingly complex world, it's crucial to approach color-based personality tests with a healthy dose of skepticism. For life-altering or professional decisions, it's always best to rely on well-researched, validated methods. Remember, real understanding rarely comes in a one-color-fits-all package.

Facebook image: Lab 38/Shutterstock


Ault, J. T., & Barney, S. T. (2007). Construct Validity and Reliability of Hartman's Color Code Personality Profile 1. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 15(1), 72-81.

McCrae, R. R., & Costa, P. T. (1987). Validation of the five-factor model of personality across instruments and observers. Journal of personality and social psychology, 52(1), 81.

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