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Jeffrey Lieberman M.D.


Jeffrey Lieberman, M.D., is the Lawrence C. Kolb Professor and Chairman, Department of Psychiatry, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons; Director, New York State Psychiatric Institute; and Psychiatrist-in-Chief, New York Presbyterian Hospital- Columbia University Medical Center. His work has advanced our knowledge of the natural history, pathophysiology and treatment of schizophrenia and related psychotic disorders and fundamentally contributed to the development of novel therapeutic drugs and the transformative mental health care strategy for the early detection and prevention of schizophrenia.

Dr. Lieberman has authored more than 500 articles published in the scientific literature and written and/or edited ten books on mental illness and psychiatry. Formerly the President of the American Psychiatric Association, in 2000 he was elected to the National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine.

Dr. Lieberman is the immediate past President of the American Psychiatric Association.

Most recently, he is the author of a book for the lay public "Shrinks: The Untold Story of Psychiatry" published by Little Brown, coming March 10, 2015.

Books by Jeffrey Lieberman M.D.
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