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Jer Clifton Ph.D.


Jer Clifton, Ph.D., is an early-career researcher who received a Ph.D. in psychology in 2020 from the University of Pennsylvania, studying with Dr. Martin Seligman (advisor) and Dr. Angela Duckworth (committee chair). He is a leading expert on the psychology of extremely basic beliefs about the world's general character (e.g., the world is dangerous), called "primal world beliefs." His secondary research interest is measurement. Academic publications include the foundational 2019 Psychological Assessment article featured in the Washington Post that empirically mapped the major primal world beliefs that humans hold and a 2019 Psychological Methods article on tradeoffs between validity and reliability in scale-creation. He is currently Director of the Primals Project, Senior Research Scientist at the UPenn Positive Psychology Center, chair of the Primals Research Awards Steering Committee, and teaches research methods in the UPenn Masters of Applied Positive Psychology program.

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