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Amber Wardell Ph.D.


Amber Wardell, Ph.D., holds a doctoral degree in cognitive psychology from the University of Memphis. She has a decade of experience in both academic and corporate environments and has published empirical papers in top-tier peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings related to cognitive, metacognitive, and emotional self-regulation. Her areas of expertise include emotion and cognition, quantitative and qualitative research design, experimental research methodology, and statistical modeling.

Her book entitled Self-Care Potato Chips: How to Choose Nourishing Self-Care in an Empty Calorie Culture will be released in the fall of 2024. Her book tackles the toxic, capitalistic self-care culture that sells women a gimmicky version of what it means to take care of themselves. It pushes back against harmful narratives that tell women to seek the kind of self-care that can never fully nourish, but that leaves them uninspired and listless instead. Why do these narratives exist? Because women who truly love and care for themselves are dangerous. They threaten the status quo that props up the establishment at the expense of women. Self-Care Potato Chips challenges readers to become such dangerous women.

Amber runs a daily blog that tackles women’s issues related to marriage, motherhood, and mental health, along with feminist issues that affect both women and men.

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