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Hookup Culture
Who is more likely to engage in casual sex?

The personality measure known as sociosexuality is predictive of which individuals may be more inclined to engage in casual sex. People higher in measures of sociosexuality are more interested in short-term relationships, have more sexual partners, and are less interested in commitment. In surveys, people who report engaging in more casual sex say their motivations are seeking pleasure, learning about their sexuality, and improving their self-esteem.

Are narcissists more likely to have casual sex?

Yes. International research finds that people who are high in measures of narcissism also tend to be high in sociosexuality and more likely to seek one-night stands and short-term relationships, to pursue sex with people already in a relationship, and to cheat on their own partners.

Men, Women, and Casual Sex
How many people would be willing to have sex with a stranger?

What type of person would agree to have sex with a stranger? It might not be you, at least not if you’re female: Studies have found that about two-thirds of men would do it, but virtually no women; almost 20 percent of men already in relationships would agree as well. The differences were primarily about perceived physical safety risks and the risks of pregnancy or social stigma, but when those concerns were addressed in surveys about theoretical hookups, women were still less likely to agree, a sign of their generally higher level of discomfort with casual sex.

Who is more likely to regret a hookup?

Researchers studying the link between hookups and regret have found that while at least half of participants report positive feelings about their hookups overall, women are more likely than men to regret taking part in a hookup while men are more likely than women to regret their partner choice. Men are also more likely to regret missed opportunities for hookups while women are more likely to regret a hookup that did occur. Both men and women are more likely to regret hooking up with someone they’d known for less than a day.

Friends with Benefits
What does it mean to be “friends with benefits”?

Entering into a “friends with benefits” partnership, research finds, tends to generate complicated feelings, because when people are sexually involved with someone they already care for, it leads to greater trust and intimacy, hallmarks of committed relationships. Also, one or the other partner in such arrangements often truly seeks a long-term connection, while the other does not, making for an unequal emotional commitment.

Are people in friends-with-benefits relationships happy?

They may or may not be as emotionally fulfilled, but the sexual satisfaction of friends with benefits, according to research, is about the same as that of partners who are married or in a committed relationship. Overall, they also report high levels of satisfaction with their arrangement in general, perhaps a sign that these individuals welcome a connection without the emotional and practical obligations of a long-term relationship.

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